As is the case in the Oil & Gas Industry, the demand for experts in every aspect of Renewable Energy is growing constantly as industries and businesses strive towards being a part of a greener environment.
The Renewable Energy Sector uses many of the same engineering activities as the Oil & Gas Industry. Keane Offshore International Ltd. draws on forty years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry to identify the engineering consultancy requirements for Renewable Energy projects, in Ireland and internationally, on behalf of client renewable energy companies.
Using the extensive KOIL database we will match up quality candidates with employers of excellence looking for all levels of personnel experienced in roles within the Renewable Energy Sector. Our cross-sector database of experienced manpower is meeting industry demands with people capable of providing effective solutions.
Areas such as Wind Power (Offshore and Onshore), Wave Power, Tidal Power and Solar Power all require engineering project management support; the experienced and skilled personnel on the KOIL database can provide that support.
Whether you are an employer or employee in the Renewable Energy Sector, offshore or onshore, if you want to be part of our professional database, you can submit your CV and Comments Click here
Keane Offshore International Ltd. matches up professional, experienced candidates with Renewable Energy client companies. Key areas include:
- Project Management
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Design
- Construction
- Commissioning
- Maintenance
- Operations
- Hazard and Risk Identification
- Decommissioning and Re-Use
As a result of KOIL’s direct in-the-field knowledge and experience of the Renewable Energy Sector, we are confident of building reliable, professional alliances with corporate companies in this Industry.
Keane Offshore International Ltd are not a standard recruitment agency, we offer a Co-Operative plan that brings together a crew of personnel who cover every task and responsibility needed in this Industry for the efficiency of an overall operation, including:
- Maintenance Staff
- Structural Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
Senior Principal Offshore Oil & Gas Engineer
Irish and International Offshore Oil & Gas Engineering Management Consultant
Gerard Keane
ME (Master’s Degree in Offshore Oil & Gas Engineering Verification, University College Cork)
MEI (Member of the International Energy Institute - Petroleum Engineering Section)
SPE (Member of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers)
Telephone: +353-(0)87-2305663
KOIL is teaming up with Tangible Ireland
KOIL is teaming up with Tangible Ireland KOIL is teaming up with the Irish-International Initiative, Tangible Ireland, to co-operate in areas such as business development and leadership. Keane Offshore International Ltd. (KOIL), the Irish-International...
If you are in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, encompassing offshore and/or associated onshore locations, or in the Renewable Energy Sector and want to be part of our database to ensure you get matched up with the right personnel, get in touch today click here
Looking for the right job or career path in the Oil & Gas Industry, or in the Renewable Energy Sector? To be included in our database you can submit your CV and Comments click here