ABOUT Gerard Keane and Keane Offshore International Ltd.
Keane Offshore International Ltd (KOIL), the Irish-International Group Consultancy and Personnel Sourcing Services is more than a recruitment agency for the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy Industries.
KOIL International was formed on the basis of our vast experience and knowledge of client project tasks and the associated services and expertise required. Our immense understanding of all aspects of these industries, both offshore and onshore, puts Keane Offshore International Ltd. in the strong position of being able to identify available services and expertise, necessary to provide clients with appropriate service personnel. Pulling together information from a detailed cross-reference database ensures that you, as clients are always provided with people who have the best skills and expertise, resulting in the best fit for the job.
Having spent almost 40 years working in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, Managing Director/Senior Principal Offshore Oil & Gas Engineer, Gerard Keane, knows how critical it is to not only have the right person for the job, but that it is equally as important to match the right job to the right job-seeker.
Gerard Keane’s experience and history in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry is extensive, including:
- Ireland’s Offshore National State Engineering Verification Auditor from 1979-2016.
- Principal Offshore Certification Engineer – Offshore, Marine & Coastal Engineering Department of Enterprise Ireland – Irish Technical and Industrial Development Semi-State Agency, Dublin.
- Principal Offshore Engineer – Institute for Industrial Research & Standards, Dublin.
- Assessment of Corrib Gas Field Plan of Development and Verification Auditing, further to Nomination by the Irish Petroleum Affairs Division to issue Engineering Letters of Acceptance/Release Notes, as a Condition for ‘First Gas Approval’.
- Development and Management of a Well Management Audit Scheme, for Ireland’s Offshore Licensing Rules & Procedures, similar to UK Health and Safety Executive Well Examination Legislation.
- Assessment of engineering aspects of Operator Plans of Development on behalf of Ireland’s Offshore Licensing Rules & Procedures.
- Drilling & Production Downtime Analysis Package Simulator, development for EU Directorate (DGXVII).
- Certification Engineer and Structural Inspector for Det Norske Veritas, Norwegian Certifying Authority, encompassing the Ekofisk Norwegian installation complex, the Oseberg Field, Statfjord ‘Alpha’ and Danish platforms.
- National Certification and Verification auditing of offshore engineering systems, including assessment of Written Verification Schemes and Safety Cases (Drilling, Appraisal, Development and Production Ops).
- Ireland’s Technical Representative on the EU Hydrocarbons Working Group.
In addition, Gerard Keane has represented the Irish Government’s engineering and reliability interests on all offshore projects since the Irish offshore began in the late 1970s. He has been responsible for:
- The engineering acceptance of all floating drilling installations prior to their arrival into Irish Waters. This required working offshore internationally to ensure that suitable installations were accepted as Fit for Purpose, prior to their arrival into Irish Waters. This included appraisal of Written Verification Schemes and Safety Cases.
- Witnessing of Well Tests on behalf of the Irish State, becoming familiar with geological and petrophysical aspects.
- Development and Management of a Well Management Audit Scheme, for Ireland’s Offshore Licensing Rules & Procedures, similar to UK Health and Safety Executive Well Examination Legislation.
- Assessment of studies done by such Classification Societies as Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas.
- Exploratory and appraisal drilling engineering.
- Subsea infrastructural engineering.
- Pipeline engineering.
- Project development engineering and commissioning.
- Production facilities, operations and maintenance.
Employers – If you are in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, encompassing offshore and/or associated onshore locations, or in the Renewable Energy Sector and want to be part of our database to ensure you get matched up with the right personnel, get in touch today Click here
Looking for the right job or career path in the industry? To be included in our database you can submit your CV and Comments Click here
Senior Principal Offshore Oil & Gas Engineer
Irish and International Offshore Oil & Gas Engineering Management Consultant
Gerard Keane
ME (Master’s Degree in Offshore Oil & Gas Engineering Verification, University College Cork)
MEI (Member of the International Energy Institute - Petroleum Engineering Section)
SPE (Member of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers)
Telephone: +353-(0)87-2305663
Email: gerard.keane@iol.ie
KOIL is teaming up with Tangible Ireland
KOIL is teaming up with Tangible Ireland KOIL is teaming up with the Irish-International Initiative, Tangible Ireland, to co-operate in areas such as business development and leadership. Keane Offshore International Ltd. (KOIL), the Irish-International...
If you are in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, encompassing offshore and/or associated onshore locations, or in the Renewable Energy Sector and want to be part of our database to ensure you get matched up with the right personnel, get in touch today click here
Looking for the right job or career path in the Oil & Gas Industry, or in the Renewable Energy Sector? To be included in our database you can submit your CV and Comments click here